10 Things You Didn't Know About the Way You Move (That Could Change Everything!)

learning Nov 01, 2024

Ever wonder why some days you move like a graceful gazelle and others like a newborn giraffe? Here are ten mind-blowing facts about your amazing body that might transform how you think about movement!


1. Your Brain Doesn't Do "Copy-Paste"

You know how we often think practice makes perfect? Well, your brain doesn’t actually store exact copies of movements. Instead, it creates adaptable patterns that change on the fly. Think about how you go after a tennis ball – you’re not using a set movement but adjusting each shot to the ball’s unique speed and angle. So, aiming for “perfect form” might actually limit you – your brain thrives on options!

Takeaway: Ditch perfection and embrace adaptability. Every attempt is a chance for your brain to refine, not repeat, which opens you to move with more ease and resilience.

2. There's a Speed Where Walking Becomes Weird

Ever notice how, at a certain speed, walking starts to feel awkward and you naturally switch to running? This transition isn’t just a sped-up version of walking – it’s a shift to a completely distinct, stable movement mode that our brains initiate at higher speeds. Scientists refer to these as "nonlinear transitions," where the body automatically reorganizes to find the most efficient way to move. For example, if you try doing opposite arm circles fast enough, your arms may start syncing up automatically, even without you trying.

Takeaway: Embracing these natural shifts is key to learning smoother and more adaptive movement. Instead of forcing linear progression, slow down and allow your brain to explore different patterns. By practicing at a slower pace, you make room for these nonlinear transitions, helping your nervous system find the most efficient and adaptable ways to move.


3. Your Movement Patterns Are Like Jazz

Think your movements are fixed? They’re more like jazz – structured yet fluid, with constant improvisation. Walk on a sandy beach, then a rocky trail, and feel how your feet, ankles, and body adjust. Your nervous system is continuously riffing on basic patterns to adapt to each surface.

Takeaway: Let your body lead. Move on varied surfaces to tune into your body’s innate flexibility and feel how it can make movement smoother in all settings.

4. Your Body Has Built-in "Gear Shifts"

Just like a car, your body shifts naturally from one movement pattern to another. Kids swinging on a playground find a rhythm, shifting their weight effortlessly. These gear shifts happen automatically as conditions change – no conscious effort needed!

Takeaway: Embrace your natural rhythms. When movement feels right, it probably is, and your body’s rhythms can guide you to move with greater ease and enjoyment.

5. Variety Isn't Just the Spice of Life – It's the Secret to Better Movement

Learning a new skill feels wobbly for a reason: your brain is exploring! Trying to balancing on one leg in the exact same way each time is recipe for falling. But try balancing with slight variations – sway, look around, stand on different surfaces – and you build stability that works anywhere.

Takeaway: Seek out variety. Variability in practice lets your body and brain develop balance and control that adapt to real-world challenges.

6. Your Brain Predicts Movement Like a Weather Forecast

Your brain doesn’t just react to movement – it predicts it. Try standing up and notice subtle shifts in weight, muscle activation, and pressure changes that happen before you move. That’s your brain preparing for action! This is why mindfulness enhances movement – tuning in gives your brain better data for its predictions.

Takeaway: Be mindful in motion. Paying attention while you move strengthens your brain’s ability to prepare, predict, and respond with ease.

7. You Have Movement "Comfort Zones"

Just as you have a favorite comfy chair, your body has preferred movement patterns, known as “attractor states.” Notice how you naturally stand or walk – you likely have a characteristic way of shifting weight. The cool part? You can create new “comfort zones” with practice, expanding what feels natural.

Takeaway: Redefine comfort. Gently challenge your typical movement patterns to discover new comfort zones that enhance freedom in movement.

8. Your Senses and Movements Are Best Friends

Your perception and action systems are inseparable. Try reaching for an object with your eyes closed – it’s noticeably harder! Your senses and movements work together, and changing one alters the other. Learning new movements often involves enhancing how you sense and perceive your body.

Takeaway: Grow your awareness. Bringing new attention to your senses can deepen how you experience and perform movements, enriching every aspect of daily life.

9. Your Movement System Is Self-Organizing

You don’t need to micromanage your movements. Toddlers learning to walk aren’t taught the precise mechanics – their brain and body self-organize through trial and error as they move towards what they want. The nervous system is a natural problem solver, organizing movements to find efficient solutions, especially when allowed to explore.

Takeaway: Let go and explore. Set movement goals and allow yourself to experiment – your brain will naturally find smooth, efficient, and sustainable solutions.

10. You're Always Learning (Even When You Think You're Not)

Your brain notes every movement you make. Studies show musicians’ motor areas activate even when they just listen to music they know how to play. Observing others also engages similar neural patterns as doing the movement yourself. Your brain is always being shaped through experience – amazing, right?

Takeaway: Consider what you want. Do you want to be more graceful, quick, steady, have better posture, get up from the floor easier or learn to ski? Set goals and approach movement as a learning journey. Just like a musician refining her skills, treat your movement practice as a chance to explore, improve, and deepen your understanding. When you practice with this mindset, progress becomes a natural outcome.

Ready to Move Better?

Now that you know these secrets, why not put them to use? These aren’t just theoretical concepts – they're practical principles we explore in every MoovyStudio class. Instead of drilling “perfect” movements, we create varied experiences that let your body discover efficient patterns naturally. Mindfulness enhances your movement awareness, and we explore movement options that expand your comfort zones.

Remember: You don’t need to force change – you just need the right conditions to let your amazing brain-body system do its best. That’s what I call moving in your genius! See you in class!

P.S. Ready to experience these principles in action? Drop in for a free trial class and explore how these insights can work for you!

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